those who have not seen Celery Soup’s production of Touch and Go (and you should) the title of this article is the name
of one of their songs and a theme of their productions. I chose it because this
week marks a change in my internship. I am under new supervision (My previous
mentor is enjoying her vacation in China, but she will be back in time for my
final review.), and my project focus has changed. Since I have completed by four interviews my
new task is organizing the interviews that have already been recorded or
transcribed so that the new playwright can easily access them in the future. To
that end, I spent time with Linda on Monday as she explained the current state
of the documents (a combination of physical transcriptions, digital documents,
and audio files) so that I may begin organizing them in an excel document. My
first step has been organizing and labeling the digital files (grouping files
by interviewer/interviewee). My next step will be sorting through the hard
copies so, comparing them to the digital copies (checking for duplicates, etc…)
and scanning copies to fill gaps in our digital information.
I am also finishing my fourth transcription.
else Linda and I did while we met was travel around downtown Sanford so that
she could introduce me to several other people whom Celery Soup wants to

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